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Ball in a China Shop

Spooky Flamingoes Prototype

Experience the depressing circumstances of destroying the entire world when all you want to do is to roll. You are a happy ball, practically vibrating with excitement to roll into a world of fun, but you find yourself surrounded by glass. You don’t want to break all these glass friends, do you? Breaking too much glass will leave the ball a depressed, distraught wreck who refuses to roll again… all he can do is cause pain. Make it out however you can, and the ball will be content to roll free and joyous without fear. 

Spooky Flamingoes is a group of 5 designers formed for a prototyping class in Fall 2021.


> Adjusting player speed based on player input, proximity to objects, and recent actions (destroying objects, squishing enemies)

> Enemy AI with navmesh, targeting, and spawning

> Destructible china

> Controller support

> Implementing UI (Designer: Shelby Hickok)


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