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Saints Row (2022)

Volition Games

Welcome to Santo Ileso, a vibrant fictional city in the American Southwest. In a world rife with crime, where lawless factions fight for power, a group of young friends embark on their own criminal venture, as they rise to the top in their bid to become Self Made.


> Mission debugging in Volition’s proprietary CTG Engine
> Prototyped and debugged story missions for Saints Row (2022) DLCs “The Heist and the Hazardous” and “A Song of Ice and Dust”
> Owning programmer for the mission “Return of the Dust King”, worked closely with design and narrative to ensure vision was met
> Maintained and polished a visually scripted stealth system across multiple checkpoints in “Return of the Dust King”
> Scripted coordinated move and attack formations for existing AI in the missions “The Bowelrun” and “The Return of the Dust King”
> Reviewed script changes and bug fixes from other programmers to maintain integrity of the code base and existing missions
> Trained in Unreal Engine 5 for project development with both C++ and Unreal Blueprint implementations


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